Saturday 29 September 2012

Night before we begin

Have set my iPhone up so I can write this blog while I'm on the move.

I find that I write quite differently when I'm on my iPhone. There's less space on the screen and somehow that gives me less place to think and less place to hide too!

The last few days have been intense! I've been preparing for the work that will happen over the next three weeks.

One of the reasons I wanted to learn how to be a collaboratively working writer was because I found working in isolation stressful. I didn't enjoy the weight of the responsibility of solely overseeing the creative architecture of a project and felt that rather than translate something I had in my head to make it meaningful to others, I'd work with a team to find a collective understanding of a project. That way less would be lost in translation, we could guide each other through, and many heads would be better than one, thus enriching the mulsh pot of ideas.

Sounds like a good plan doesn't it?! It's one I'm very committed to.

So, it's been funny how, over the past few days that I've experienced all the sensations I usually have when I'm lone authoring!

I have definitely prepared myself, I have nested like I've never nested before. My office and house are tidier and cleaner than they've ever been! I've created a wonderful working environment.

And tomorrow morning I will leave that environment and head to another city all together to do the actual work.

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